Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brussel Sprouts: Why all the hate???

So I was having dinner the other day, enjoying some brussel sprouts that I had previously steamed, when my mind began to wonder...
Why are brussel sprouts such a hated veggie???

I hate you!!!
Why?  I mean they don't really taste bad, and as far as vegetables go, I think they're pretty cute. So my question stands. Why all the hate? Adults and children alike will go to great lengths to avoid them and even the dog, Sparky, refuses to eat them under the table. Is it because of the roundness? that doesn't make any sense, people usually love round food. Color? Now, this could explain something for the 2nd most hated vegetable, broccoli. But I don't see why that should be a problem, I think green is a very friendly color. So that only leaves one thing: taste. I personally don't see a problem here, they taste like butter and salt... Or maybe that's just when my family makes them.... But still, even under the pound of butter, I find them a very charming little vegetable. 
So leave me a comment telling me if you like brussel sprouts, if not why, and other love/ hate relationships you have with vegetables...


  1. I always love butter with a tad bit of brussels sprouts

  2. I HATE them!!! I think they taste a bit sour and I don't like the texture. UGH!!!

    Only vegetable I truly love are artichokes. YUMMMMMM! And perhaps zuccini and eggplant. ;o)

  3. Some people don't know how to cook Brussel sprouts so they are really gross . X( I don't know how they do it, but they do.
    I've Loved to eat them since I was 3 years old!

  4. Clean the belgium's capital new plants well how to cook brussels sprouts . Cut the management finishes and eliminate any raggy exterior results in. Cut in 50 % from management to top and properly rub each 50 % with olive oil, keeping it the same (or if you are gradual just toss them in a bowl with a glug of olive oil).
